Steps for Ascension

Say, "Yes to 2019!" Channeling from Ray-Na January 1st, 2019

Say, "Yes to 2019!"

Channeling from Ray-Na

January 1st, 2019


I am Ray-Na, here to teach about unconditional love and acceptance to all humanity.

As we enter these new times, we feel the fresh start, that hope that we get every year as the year comes to an end and a new one begins. We have that hope. Some even set goals. Some set the same goals every year which may be forgotten by February, but just feeling the end of the calendar year and a new year beginning just brings that hope to us, that hope that things will be different because it’s a new year, a new number. Things will change. Things will be better, especially in what we’ve experienced since 2012 has been a lot of craziness.

A lot of my partner’s friends have asked the question, “When will things go back to normal? When are they going to be ok again?”

Well, my friends, things will never go back to that normal. The energy and you have changed way too much. But what we can do is we can experience and we can bring in the new normal and that new normal - we open ourselves up to the energy and the potential within that will be far greater than anything you’ve ever experienced in the past.

And you may ask, “Well how can that be? Everything seems so bad now. How can there be this new wonderful normal? Everyone keeps talking about the thousand years of peace that Jesus talked about and yet things seem to get worse and worse, and people are more divided than ever. I’m just one person in all this. There’s nothing I can do.”

These are the things that we hear. These are the things that we sometimes say. And the answer to all this is very simple: you can step into your new normal now. Today. And just by making that decision and taking that step we’ll begin to change society because we’re all connected, all one, and as hard as that is to understand, you have to understand that when one person steps onto that path of light it affects almost a million people. So very few lightworkers, the people that are here to shine the light of truth in the world, very few of them actually have to step onto that path for it to begin to change the world.

So instead of feeling helpless about this - celebrate. Celebrate the fact that you can make that change today. You can turn within. You don’t have to go outside anywhere, just have to take that moment to turn within. And we can do that right now.

Just invite you to take a nice deep breath in, and release.

And as you turn in, ask yourself this on all levels - the human body level, all the levels that go with this - the astral level, mental level - send it out into the ethers.

Ask your higher self.

Pull the answers out of the old akashic records where all of your memories are stored, all of your abilities are stored, but ask this question on all levels:

What do I need to do to change the direction that this world is headed in?

And that answer is there, that answer is clear, that answer is: turn within.

Open yourselves up to the truth of who you are.

Remember that you are powerful beyond measure.

You are the light of this world.

You are the savior that we’ve been waiting for.

Each person has a part in taking this society and this world to the next level.


You are that answer.

And you can feel that inside of you and just allow all those doubts to melt away.

You don’t ever need to look beyond that.

Our spiritual communities are places that we can go to get spiritually fed, to enjoy time with other people, but you are the answer to all of this and when enough of you come together you can change anything. It doesn’t matter what that politician in Washington says. It doesn’t matter what that bully around the corner or downtown might be saying or trying to do.

Each one of us carries a power and the light inside that is so powerful. It’s powerful enough to change the world and you don’t have to wait until the rest of humanity decides to step onto the path of light. Some people are going to be down in the drama for a while. Some people even enjoy it. You don’t have to wait though, you can just take that step today.

It’s a new year. You can just say, “This is it! I am going to step on that path. I am stepping on that path.” And do it right now because “I am the light of the world.”

Yes, you are.

You are the light of the world.

So yes, it’s a new beginning, fresh start, whatever you want to call it, but decide today to take that step onto this path. Study the truth principles. Open your hearts. All the answers lie within.

That still, small voice that we have inside each person is never wrong. That’s the guidance.

What is it telling you today?

Do you feel hopeful? I hope so because no matter what it looks like today, no matter how things are in your life, you are the change you’ve been waiting for and you can turn your life today by making that decision and take that step fully onto this path of light.

And while it may take everyone else, or most others, around you a while to catch up with you and come onto it, just by taking that step now you can begin to feel the benefits of that and become a role model for all those that are going through tough times. And as they see you become peaceful in turbulent times, become peaceful no matter what happens, become peaceful and prosperous and joyful, then they will begin to ask you, “What is it that you’re doing? What can I do to make changes in my life?”

It may seem impossible today but it’s not. Have hope, have faith, and know that you are exactly where you’re supposed to be and exactly in the time you’re supposed to be there.

What is it that you desire? What is it that makes your heart sing? You don’t have to wait. You don’t have to wait till things get better. You don’t have to wait until you retire. You don’t have to wait for any of that. You can just tune in to that light, tune in and say, “Yes. Yes, I am taking that step. Yes, I am the light of the world.”

And you know what will happen? It’s a whole lot of guides and masters that are there clapping and cheering you on. You are never alone and you will be supported through that journey.

So what have you got to lose? It’s the beginning of a new year, a new time. Instead of setting that goal weight or the goal to go on a vacation - all those things will come, too - look at what’s really in front of you and say, “Yes! Yes to the light!” and begin that transformation.

My partner said, “Yes!” a while back and many people around her have said, “Yes!” and they are walking that journey and they would like to invite you to walk that journey today. You are not alone in this. You can never be alone.

You just have to set your intent and you can do that right now by saying, “Yes. Yes to 2019 and living the best life that I can. Yes to shining my light so brightly throughout the world that it literally changes. Changes what is happening. Changes it for the better.” Just by saying yes to all you have to do.

And we can walk that journey together this year. You will have lots of support and love along the way. I look forward to it.

I look forward to getting to know each one of you.

I look forward to this journey. To wholeness, and love, and health, and prosperity and all good things.

I look forward to seeing and enjoying and watching you remember and awaken to who you truly are. And this can happen now just by you saying, “Yes!”

And many blessings, many blessings to this new year.

And so it is.


Notes for Steps to Ascension Three: Activating the Eight Chakra & More

Activating the Eight Chakra

As we continue our journey into the Higher Dimensions of Light, we are beginning the activation of the eighth and the 8.5 chakras today. The eighth chakra is directly over the crown chakra and holds the last of human karmic information. You can release that today. The 8.5 chakra is behind our head near the soft spot above the base of the skull. It operates half in the fourth dimension and half in the fifth dimension: It is our bridge to the fifth dimension.

Book of the Week

The New Spiritual Chakras and How to Work with Them by Elizabeth Joyce for detailed information on the spiritual chakras.

Superfood of the Week

Organic Green Tea is known for its healing and youthing properties. 

Benefits of Organic Green Tea:

  1. The bioactive compounds in green tea are what is known to improve health.
  2. The compounds can improve brain function, essentially making you smarter.
  3. Green tea increases fat burning and improves physical performance.
  4. It contains antioxidants which may lower your risk of various types of cancer.
  5. Some studies show that green tea may protect your brain in old age, lowering your risk of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.
  6. It can kill bacteria, improving dental health and lowering your risk of infection.
  7. Green tea may lower your risk of type 2 diabetes.
  8. It may also reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease.
  9. As green tea can help you lose weight, it lowers your risk of becoming obese as well.
  10. Studies have shown a correlation between green tea and living longer.

Supplement of the Week

Himalayan Salt Sole is a simple and easy-to-make addition to your repertoire. Because it requires only Himalayan salt, water, and a jar - this health treatment is accessible and affordable for everyone. Since discovering sole, I start my day with a teaspoon of this powerfully detoxing and rejuvenating elixir.

Sole is water fully saturated with unrefined salt. When Himalayan salt dissolves in water, it results in a concentrated, electrically charged matrix of the 84 trace minerals in the salt. The ionic salt and trace minerals nourish each cell in your body.

Benefits of Himalayan Salt Sole: 

  1. By balancing the systemic pH, it detoxifies your body.
  2. By providing trace minerals, it improves hydration.
  3. More minerals and a hydrated body can reduce muscle cramps.
  4. Himalayan salt sole helps balance blood sugar.
  5. No matter what hormonal issues you face, it can support hormone balance.
  6. By providing unrefined, mineral-rich salt in an ionic solution, you can help balance blood pressure.
  7. By supporting blood sugar and hormone balance, sleep is improved.
  8. Himalayan salt sole is a powerful antihistamine.
  9. By balancing hormones and improving energy, weight loss is supported.
  10. Himalayan salt sole supports thyroid and adrenal function.

How to Make Himalayan Salt Sole:

  1. Fill a glass jar a quarter of the way with Himalayan Salt (or Real Salt or Celtic Sea Salt), either ground or in chunks. Do not use a metal container, as it will oxidize.
  2. Fill the jar the rest of the way with filtered water.
  3. Cover and shake. Don't forget, the cover can't be metal either!
  4. Let it sit overnight.
  5. In the morning, you should find some undissolved salt in the jar. This is good, it means the water is fully saturated. Add more salt if needed.
  6. To take, mix 1 tsp. sole into some room temperature water or other beverage upon waking. I like to mix it into protein shakes. Remember to never use metal utensils with your sole!
  7. When your jar runs low, keep refilling it with salt and filtered water. By making sure there is always undissolved salt in your elixir, your sole can last indefinitely.

I purchase my Himalayan Salt chunks from It's My Health in Cumberland, RI. Each box of high-quality salts is $27 and lasts about two years (or it would if I didn't give so much away!).

Music of the Week

Solfeggio Tones by Jonathan Goldman are in alignment with our Crystalline body. I downloaded his full CD for $9.99.

Comparative Reading of the Week

The Lion's Gate 2016 and the "Master" Cycle that Commences: The Opening of the Seventh Dimension on EarthArchangel Michael channeled through Celia Fenn July 22, 2016

"Beloved family of Light, when you began this year of 2016, we did say to you, with much love, that 2016 would be a challenging year, and that you would need to embody your Mastery in a powerful way. As the Lion's Gate of 2016 approaches, you now prepare yourself for a New Beginning and to initiate your first major cycle of creation as an embodied Master and Alchemist.
What does this mean? It means that you will take what is of low frequency and you will transform it and turn it into Golden Light! Even though you may be surrounded by people who are filled with fear and anger and other low-frequency emotions and who are making choices based on these emotions, you will make your choices from Love and Compassion and you will be the Diamond Light that shines clearly and magnificently.
Beloved Ones, now is not the time to give up or to step back. Now is the time to fully embrace who you are, who you have become, and to step forward into the Emerald Light as a fully embodied Master, a Creator and Alchemist of Light. In this time of chaos and challenge as the old falls away and the new is still to manifest, it is you who are here to hold the energy of the New, to be the New Earth, and to embody the Power and Empowerment of the New Earth Soul.
The Lion's Gate and the Planetary New Year: A New Cycle of Time and Creation
On the 26th of July, you will enter into the Planetary New Year. This is the Time celebrated by the Ancient Egyptians and the Mayans, as the moment when the Planet begins a New Spiral of Galactic evolution in alignment with the Great Central Sun and the Divine Cosmic Heart. It marks the opening of the Lion's Gate Star Portal, which allows for a powerful influx of Light Codes that will shape the form of experience in the coming year. These Light Codes will lift you into another level of evolution and experience if you allow this process, but if you are not aligned or you are in a low frequency of anxiety and fear, you will simply continue to create at this same level again.
Beloved Ones, be open to this grand influx of powerful Light and Blessings that is coming to you as this Star Portal begins to open on the 26th of July, and culminates on the 8th of Auguust on the 8/8, and then closes on the 12th of August. Here is a "window" of Light and Opportunity for each one of you to step up and into a new level and phase of your personal evolution on Earth.
There will be many distractions in the outer world. Many disasters and conflicts will occur that will ask for your attention and will ask you to align your energy with theirs. Beloved Ones, it is enough to be aware of what is happening, but to focus your energy and attention rather on your inner processes and on the need to initiate a New Cycle of personal Creation that will express a higher level of your Soul and your Soul Essence on the Earth.
Decide for yourself who you are and what you will create in your life and on the Earth, and then focus on that. Do not be drawn by the energies of anything that is not in alignment with what you wish to create.
Time Cycles and the New Cycle
Beloved Ones, in your Earth space of the Fifth Dimension in transition, you have experiences two creative cycles of 8 to 9 years, and you are beginning another now.
From 1999 to 2008 you created together as the first wave of awakened souls on Earth, together with the Indigo and Crystal children. This period included the 9/11 event and the economic collapse of 2008. Both events were aimed at distracting attention from the creation of the New, and keeping people on Earth focuses on the same old creations of fear and lack that allows them to be manipulated and controlled. Then, from 2008 to the end of 2016, you have been in the second cycle, where there has been a continuation of low frequency fear based "events" that are aimed at keeping humanity at a low frequency and preventing them from progressing to freedom and empowerment.
Beloved Ones, if you are awake and aware, you will see how these events always occur at times when a great shift is possible, so that fear and anxiety will prevent many from shifting as they are trapped in their own fears. Do not let this happen to you! Now, as you begin the process for the creation of the 2016/7 to 2026 cycle, focus on Higher Consciousness, Higher Wisdom, and what you desire to create for yourself and for the Earth as you assist in the manifestation process for the New Earth.
The Master that You Are and the Power that Flows through as the Seventh Dimension opens
You have everything that you need within you. Over the past two cycles of evolution and growth, you have activated the Personal Power and Creativity that you need. You have activated your Light Body and the 13 Chakra Energy system that you need to allow you to receive and integrate the incoming Light Codes. You have opened your Hearts to receive the Golden Light of the Christ Consciousness with its Love and Compassion at the center of your existence.
Then, you have received the Diamond Codes that allowed you to reconnect with your Galactic heritage, and the Emerald Codes that allowed you to reconnect with Nature and the Green Heart of the Earth.
More recently, you have begun the rewiring of your energy meridians that allows you to reconnect with the powerful flows of creative and intuitive energy of the Right Brain and to balance these and integrate them with the Left Brain's ability to organize and create narratives.
Beloved Ones, this powerful energy that is flowing into the Planet right now is a torrent of blessings and creative abundance, but unless it is received in balance and integrated into your Light Body system, it has the potential to destabilize your energy field. This Energy flow must then be received by the Pineal Gland Gateway, and then transmitted by the Right Brain and the Left Brain and then into the Heart. From there ist must be grounded into the Earth through Manifestation and connection with the Earth Star and the Earth Heart centers. 
Those who are not grounding this energy will feel this energy running "wild" in their system, and they will become aggressive, fearful, explosive and angry. Those who have no connection with their Soul and Higher Self will feel lost, confused, anxious and unable to find their place in the world.
The whole purpose of your evolution in thee last two cycles has been to reconnect Spirit and Body, Heaven and Earth, so that your Body and Soul are One.
It is your Soul that will provide the center of your Being and your Life right now. You are the Master, your Soul connects to your Heart Center in Love and Peace. You manifest from Soul and Spirit into Matter, following the laws of Divine Creative Power and Balance. You create a Garden of Peace and Creativity within your Heart and Soul that manifests around you.
Beloved Ones, do not seek for Peace and Harmony in the outside world, or in others, right now. You are the ones who are here to demonstrate Mastery and to open the Gateway of the Seventh Dimension. Those around you in the world are still struggling to understand the Fifth Dimensions, and the Magic of the Sixth Dimension, so they cannot at this moment be in that place of expansion where you stand now ready to move forward.
The Seventh Dimension is the frequency of the Master and is the focus and end point of the Ascension process. For you, Beloved Ones, it means to be here on the Earth, in the midst of the turmoil and chaos, and to be in that place of Inner Stillness and Peace. It means to be connected to the powerful Flow of Divine Creative Intelligence and to be able to direct this Flow into Magical Manifestation through Intention and Focus. It means to live without fear, without expectations and attachments, but simply in the Flow of Love, Creativity and Divine Manifestation.
To live as a "Master" does not mean to be "perfect." It means to be who you are as a Soul in a Body, and to express your Soul in alignment with Spirit, in everything that you experience and manifest on Earth.
Beloved Ones, as these Gateways are opening, you are all most welcome to step accross the threshold and claim your place in the Higher Dimensions of Light as they open to Earth. These intense Frequences of brilliant light and Luminosity will illuminate all that you do at this time.
And, as you do this, you will know and trust that you will always be safe and cared for. Your Soul will protect you and Spirit will guide you, as you weae and create with the Divine Creative Intelligence as an Embodied Master of Light.
The Magical Gateway Opens
So, Beloved Family of Light, at this powerful New Year and Lion's Gate, there will also be a powerful opening to the Seventh Dimension of Ascended Mastership available to you if you so desire to move forward in this way.
You will know that you are ready. You will feel that you have mastered the Fifth Dimension of Oneness and released the hold of Duality and the Shadow on your Life. You will be ready to embrace the Love, Creativity and Magic of the Sixth Dimension and to flow with the powerfull Light Cods and currents without Fear. You will be ready to balance yourself between Heaven and Earth, and to step forward as a Master of these Energies on Earth."

By Cherie Ruffo

Is Ascension a Fad, or Something Much Deeper?

Is Ascension a Fad, or Something Much Deeper?

The word Ascension has been popping up all over social media recently. It makes one wonder, is this the new fad for 2016, or is something very real happening on our planet?

The answer to yes to both. Ascension will be exactly what you make of it. It can be a fad term that is used to describe the new age or something that is beyond our understanding. Or, if you're like me, you will discover it's something deeper that deserves exploration and contemplation.

Ascension is simple when you relax and look at it in definitive terms. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines ascension as: "the act of rising or ascending; and especially: the act of moving to a higher or more powerful position." That doesn't sound bad, right?

Third Dimension (3D) to Fifth Dimension (5D)

Up until a couple of years ago, I had never heard the term dimension used as something we live in. When 3D came up, I thought it described a movie mimicking a reality, and we had to wear funny glasses to see the full effect. If we think of it in these terms, it is true because our very existence in 3D is mimicking reality. So what is the truth?

Before the vibrational shift in 2012, this planet existed in a third dimensional reality. The third dimension is a heavy energy of survival, fear and linear time. Yes, joy, love, and peace can be present in this reality, but they are not easily attained. Often, those who did attain them in the past were revered as Masters or the events associated with it were called miracles.

Many cultures had belief systems that our planet, Gaia, would reach its expiration date on December 21, 2012. Many of us even prepared for it. But a funny thing happened in the latter half of the last century: we took off our metaphorical funny glasses we had been wearing for thousands of years and the vibration of the planet started rising. We began to see a fork appear in the road where destruction was supposed to happen. This fork led to what we know as planetary Ascension. It was assumed at that time we would ascend to the fourth dimension of reality.

In the fourth dimension, things happen with a greater sense of ease, and we begin to operate from a place of unconditional love and acceptance. Linear time is seen for the illusion it really is.

What actually happened at the end of the last century was totally unexpected and the vibrational change was much greater than anticipated. It was so great, the fourth dimension became a springboard to the fifth dimension instead of a destination.

On December 21, 2012, or thereabouts depending on the correctness of the calculations that were made by the ancients, we passed a marker where our planet, Gaia, was raised into the fifth dimension. Everything shifted when this happened because the fifth dimension is the first dimension of Light. In this dimension, we can no longer operate from a place of survival - linear time collapses and even the composition of our bodies change.

How can a planet that's moved into the fifth dimension have so much chaos going on?

Two things explain what we're seeing all over the planet in the form of terrorism, hatred, prejudice and unusual weather patterns.

  1. First, a shift of this magnitude cannot happen overnight with humans. Even though we live on a fifth-dimensional planet now, we still have free will and can choose to create a reality of the third dimension within the fifth dimension.
  2. The second reason things appear differently than they actually are is the heavy third dimensional energy which existed for thousands of years on Gaia is fighting to stay alive. Quite simply, we are seeing a battle between the Light and the Dark. Any dark thoughts festering in the consciousness of people are being forced to the surface, causing polarization. The fifth dimension is a place of unconditional love and compassion. Lower frequency energy has to be resolved before a full ascension within a human can take place.

Does this mean we're stuck in this unsettling energy until society gets it together? No, we aren't as individuals. Each person has the choice now to set an intention to ascend and begin the journey if we haven't already done so.

Living in the fifth dimensional energy means we will no longer be bound by survival, scarcity and illness. Our lives will become one of our creation where we will be able to think about something and manifest it. Instead of relying on the intellectual brain, we will rely on the wisdom of the heart, and our bodies will no longer decompose with illness. Our lives will be much longer.

People will ascend at different times to allow for free will. It's imperative for the mass consciousness that more people choose the Ascension path. An awakened soul radiates at such a high frequency of Light it positively impacts the Dark energy of approximately a million souls.

So what should we do if we want to ascend now? First, intend it. Give permission for this change in your body and your life, and the process will begin.

What does this mean for our lives and our bodies? I'll cover this next in next week's blog, Transformation from Homo Sapien to Homo Luminous.

By Cherie Ruffo